Coaching München für Führungskräfte
Systemisches Coaching München

Shape your Life!

Du kannst das Leben nicht dran hindern Dir Steine in den Weg zu legen - also nutze sie & bau was Schönes draus

✓ Werde im (neuen) Beruf glücklich
✓ Führe souverän mit Leichtigkeit
✓ Entdecke wieder Deine innere Ruhe
✓ Stärke Dein Selbst-Bewusst-Sein

Dr. Karin Klimt

Kunde Teambuilding
Kunde Coaching
Business Coaching München
Pferdegestütztes Coaching München
Deutscher Coaching Verband

Blame-Free culture

Blame-free culture is the key ingredient 💪🏻 for successful change in a company but in many cases the ...

Agile und Coaching

Do systemic coaching and agile methods fit together?

– Clearly yes! – Both have a lot of commonalities… The systemic, solution-oriented approach was the same breakthrough ...

leadership coaching

Who is response-able for the weather?

I AM!!! Actually you can be as well … if you want. Imagine you are planning a big BBQ ...
